Saturday, December 28, 2013

Inspirational Bereaved Parent - Guest Post by Jackie Barreau

Today I welcome Jackie Barreau, author of 'Through A Mother's Eyes' and fellow writer for 'Still Standing Magazine.  Here she shares about how she wrote through her grief to ultimately create a legacy of love for all her children gone too soon in her book, 'Through A Mother's Eyes', which she hopes will help others find comfort.  

Welcome Jackie! 


My journey started back in 1998 after the deaths of my two sons; within three months of each other. Cody (stillborn) 26 weeks, and Luke (28 months) Neuroblastoma (childhood cancer). Our world came crumbling down in a very big way.

I started writing as a way of coping and dealing with my losses. The poems I wrote were raw yet honest. It wasn’t until our eldest daughter Tayla, was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder in 2012, that I began to write again. A lot of mixed emotions and grief came spilling forth to the surface again.

I then decided that I wanted to write a book, and donate a percentage of the sales to the hospital that had treated and cared for all our children. In less than twelve months I had finished writing and had published my first book ‘Through A Mother’s Eyes’. This book offers love, hope and ultimately courage, to those bereaved parents also on their journeys of self-healing.

This book was a labour of love and a moving tribute to my sons, my daughter and family. The book features beautiful colour images as well as the poems and quotes featured in it. Yes there is light at the end of the tunnel as we navigate our way through grief. One step forwards two steps back, but eventually we will get to where we need to be. My blog

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